Ég heiti Drífa Líftóra! Ég er þrykkjari, fatahönnuður, saumakona, teiknari og handverkskona með meiru. Innblástur kemur oft til manns úr mörgum áttum. Það sem veitir mér yfirleitt innblástur er eitthvað sem er yfirþyrmandi t.d. skrímsli, veðurofsi og geimurinn. Þegar kemur að fatahönnun finnst mér gaman að beygla og brjóta reglurnar sem snerta líffræðilega eiginlega mannskepnunnar með undarlegri sníðagerð og flóknum mynstrum. Í stúdíóinu mínu þrykki ég allt sjálf með hvarfgjörnum litum á náttúruleg gæðaefni, sníð og sauma  en ég legg mikið upp úr því að heiðra efniviðinn samkvæmt hugmyndafræði hægrar tísku.

My name is Drífa Líftóra! I am a screen printer, fashion designer, seamstress, drawer and crafter. Inspiration can come from many sources. Mine tend to be something that is overwhelming like monsters, fury of the weather and outer space. When it comes to fashion design I like bending and breaking the rules of human anatomy by applying weird pattern making and complex prints in my designs. I screen print every thing by hand in my studio using reactive dyes on natural quality fabrics, cut and sew as I find it important to honour the fabrics according to the ideaology of slow fashion.

Curriculum Vitae


2018 – 2020
Reykjavík School of Visual Arts 
Diploma in Textile Design

2016 – 2017
Paris College of Art 
MA degree in Fashion Design: Haute Couture/Haute Technology

February 2016
Environment Agency of Iceland 
Park Ranger License

2011 – 2014
Iceland University of the Arts 
BA degree in Fashion Design

2007 – 2011
Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti 
Matriculation Exam (stúdentspróf), Textile Design Track

Work Experience:

2022, summer
Hut warden in Fimmvörðuskáli on Fimmvörðuháls

2021, May & 2022, May
Drífa Líftóra
Hand-Screen-Printed clothing collection exhibitioned DesignMarch 2021 and 2022

2021, March, July, October
Reykjavík School of Visual Arts
Teaching screen printing in Textile Department

2020, from May
Kula by Bryndís
Brushing and felting of wool for sound absorbing solutions

2020, January
Kristín Guðrún Jónsdóttir,
professor at University of Iceland
Graphic design for the cover of the short story collection við Kvikuna.

2019, fall
Sólveig Thoroddsen, harpist
Graphic design for cover and booklet of CD Snotrur

2019, summer 2021, summer 2022, summer
Emblamar Studio
Experimentations and design work in a innovative material

2019, summer
Icelandic Textile Center
Designing prints, along with a group of three other textile designers, using old weaving samples as inspiration. A summer job that became a possibility due to receiving a grant from the Icelanding Student Innovation Fund and exhibited on Design March 2020.

2018, spring
Sveinbjörn Þórðarson, programmer
Design of 5 icons for open source software: Platypus, Sloth, Fast DMG, KatSearch og SnapTools.

2017, May
Make Up For Ever x Paris College of Art
Winner of inhouse school competition designing working clothes for MUAs

2017, April
Aubusson x Paris College of Art
Winner of interdisciplinary tapestry competition with Fine Arts student Lee Hon Choo

2016, summer
Environment Agency of Iceland
Park Ranger

2016, May
Sigurjón Bjarni Sigurjónsson, Director
Costume design for graduation project, theater innstallation of Hagaharmur

Souvenir shop, Þingvellir National Park
Customer service, Ranger duties

2015, September
Cafeteria in Skaftafell, Vatnajökull National Park
Customer service, Kitchen duties

2015, spring
5 month long internship in London. Designing new collections and everything that goes along with that.

2015, march
Iceland’s Textile Printing
Designed a collection of prints for an installation at DesignMarch

2014, June
23 Frames
Costume design for Páll Ívan’s music video Expanding

2014, summer
Reykjavíkurborg/Hitt Húsið
Creative summer jobs, Ljóðaþjónustan